Tag: big bluefin tuna

How to Catch Big Bluefin Tuna

How to Catch Big Bluefin Tuna

Bluefin tuna, also called true tunas, is a big tuna species with a metallic blue on top and silver white at the bottom. It can grow up to a size that is longer than 15 feet. The biggest bluefin tuna ever caught weighed more than 1500 pounds.

Catching big bluefin tuna is an absolute rush. These fish are beasts they’re fast, powerful, and will give you a proper workout. If you are going after the giants, you have to be ready for a battle. Its not just about skill, but patience and endurance too. You need solid gear, a good game plan, and the right spot to drop your lines.

Big Bluefin Tuna Info

Bluefin tuna is a migratory fish that has the habit of traveling to and fro from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico or Mediterranean Sea. The Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean seas are common places for bluefin tuna to spawn. They can also be found in other ocean such as Eastern Atlantic, Black Sea, North American coast and sometimes in the cold waters of the Iceland ocean.

Most of the time, I’ll use live bait when chasing bluefin. They’re picky eaters and smart, so they’re not going to fall for any old lure. I like to fish deeper down, where the big ones hang out. It can take a while, but when you finally feel that tug, hold on tight! These fish will run hard and fast, and you’ll need to be prepared for a long fight.

Where do Big Bluefin Tuna Live?

Large schools of bluefin tunas will be present in the Australia Atlantic ocean around March and continue to stay there until June or July. Therefore, the best time to set out with your fishing charter is in these months. You can catch them offshore most of the time although it is also possible to catch them close to shore sometimes. You can put out your boat offshore as far as 50 NM to catch bluefin tuna.

Catching Big Bluefin Tuna Tips

Bluefin tuna likes to ride on the sea current. So, before going out on fishing trip, check the sea currents of that day and you will know where to track down the tuna. The ideal setting for the Bluefin tuna to come schooling on the surface is a water temperature between 16 – 18 degrees celsius and a clear ocean water. However, sometimes, they may also appear when the temperature is slightly lower or higher.

Beginners who want to learn how to catch tuna should learn to look out for signs like schools of baitfish on the surface. Sometimes, movement of the surface water means there is a school of baitfish swimming just below the surface. Often, you can also see flocks of diving sea birds like terns that fly close to the surface. If there is, chances are they are schools of bait fish nearby and the big bluefin could be there to catch them for meals.

You are to throw your bait as close to where the birds are. Once you have thrown the bait, don’t expect the fist will bite instantly. It will take a few minutes for the fish to find the bait. When the fish is biting, get ready to throw the baits so that it will keep following. The key is to keep on throwing the bait until it swims near to the boat. For your bait, you should use something that the bluefish likes to eat like squid, and pilchards.

Big Bluefin Tuna Permits in America

Before you can fish for bluefin tuna in north america, you need to get a permit. This is because bluefin tuna is a strictly regulated fish. If you follow a charter excursion, the captain will have already obtained the necessary permit. You also need to have a license if you want to sell the catch. You can call the NFMS at 1-888-USA-TUNA to ask questions about the fishing regulations and find out your daily catch quota.

Catching Big Bluefin Tuna FAQs

What’s the best bait for bluefin tuna?
Live bait, hands down. Mackerel, herring, or squid work a treat. Bluefin are fussy eaters, so make sure your bait is lively and fresh.

How long does it take to reel in a big bluefin?
Depends on the size! For the big ones, it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours. Its a marathon, not a sprint.

What is the biggest bluefin tuna ever caught?
The record is a monster over 1,500 pounds! But most bluefin you will catch are between 300 and 800 pounds. Still a proper challenge for any angler.

Do I need special gear for bluefin?
Yep you will need heavy duty gear. A strong rod, high capacity reel, and some serious line. Bluefin will snap anything light like it’s a twig. Trust me, dont skimp on your setup if you are targeting Bluefin.

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